United Men’s Ministry


“Every Man Shares in Evangelism, Mission and Spiritual Life.”


United Methodist Men shall be a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and to seek daily his will. [Our] primary purpose is to declare the centrality of Christ in the lives of men and in all their relationships.

The major concerns are:

  • To encourage knowledge of and support for the total mission of The United Methodist Church.
  • To engage in evangelism by sharing the fullness of the gospel in its personal and social dimensions.
  • To clarify and speak to the identity and roll of man in contemporary society.
  • To seek commitment to discipleship.
  • To study and become familiar with the United Methodist Church, its organization, doctrines and beliefs.
  • To cooperate with all units of United Methodist Men in obtaining these objectives through district, conference, jurisdiction and church-wide goals.

Men seeking membership in a local United Methodist Men’s Fellowship shall subscribe to the “Purpose” of United Methodist Men and to these personal objectives:

  • Engage daily in Bible study and prayer.
  • Bear witness to Christ’s way in daily work and in all personal contacts through words and actions.
  • Engage in some definite Christian service.

The Book of Discipline, The United Methodist Church